By Christina Sarich
Pests are not only annoying, they can also wreak havoc on your garden and your life. Pests can destroy plants and make their way into your home, causing health problems. Even insects that don’t spread disease, such as termites, can destroy the foundation of your home. Unfortunately, most people turn to chemical means to get rid of them. Man-made pesticides are essentially poison, and often cause as much harm to humans and animals as it does to pests. Before calling a professional pest control company, try the following homemade organic pesticides:
Chrysanthemum Flower Tea
Chrysanthemum flowers contain pyrethrum, a powerful chemical component that attacks the nervous system of insects. This attack makes them immobile, making them easy targets for predators (or causing them to simply starve to death). To use this pesticide, boil 100 grams of dried flowers in 1 litre of water for 20 minutes to make a tea. Strain the leaves and cool the mixture before placing it in a spray bottle. To use, simply spray affected area. The mixture remains viable for two months, so feel free to make more than one batch and store it.
Tobacco spray
It turns out that tobacco is worse for pests than people, which makes it one of the most effective organic pesticides on the planet. In order to make tobacco spray, you need a cup of organic tobacco (make sure not to use tobacco that has been treated in any way, as the chemicals used in this process are harmful to plants.) Mix the tobacco with the water and let it sit for 24 hours (keep the mixture in as dark a place as possible). The mix should become light brown. If it is too dark, add water until it turns light brown. Tobacco spray can be used almost anywhere, including on most plants. Use caution however, as tobacco spray is harmful to solanaceous plants (a family of plants having typically tubular flowers with reflexed petals, protruding anthers, and often poisonous or narcotic properties: includes the potato, tobacco, henbane, mandrake, and several nightshades.)
Neem juice
Extracted from the Nim tree, a plant found on the Indian subcontinent, neem juice has been used as a natural pesticide for thousands of years. With nearly 50 forms of natural insecticide, neem juice is generally considered to be the most effective natural pesticide in the world. Although it can be purchased in spray form, it is much easier to simply make a neem juice spray at home. Just mix 1/2 ounce organic neem oil,1/2 teaspoon of mild organic liquid soap, and two quarts of warm water. Make sure to spray the mixture immediately or it loses its effectiveness.
Mineral oil
Mineral oil dehydrates insects and their eggs-meaning that not only is your insect problem taken care of, they won’t come back. In order to make mineral oil pesticide, mix high-grade oil with one litre of water.
Onion and garlic spray
Garlic doesn’t just keep vampires away; it is also an effective organic pesticide. Mix a clove of garlic and a medium-sized onion with a quart of water. After an hour, add a teaspoon of cayenne pepper and a tablespoon of liquid soap. Refrigerate the mixture and use within a week.
Orange oil
Orange oil contains d-limonene, which is powerful enough to kill most insects on contact. This treatment is especially effective in getting rid of termites. For best effect, try to spray orange oil near the area where you suspect the insects’ colony or nest is located.
Peppermint Essential Oil
Despite the fact that peppermint oil smells great to people, it repels bugs. Soak cotton balls in peppermint oil and wipe them on any suspected entry points. If bugs are already in your home, leave some soaked cotton balls in your cabinets or other areas. Repeat this every two days until your infestation is gone.
Boric acid
Boric acid is a natural insecticide that shuts down an insect’s nervous system and causes dehydration. Coat any affected areas such as entry points or wooden areas infested with termites with boric acid. Be careful; boric acid is toxic to animals as well, so make sure not to put it anywhere easily accessible. In addition, make sure to wear gloves and a face mask when applying boric acid.
Sodium chloride
Sodium chloride is a great way to prevent insects from getting into your home. Soak several cotton balls in sodium chloride and a cleaning agent. Place the cotton balls near the areas in your home you suspect are infected (or where you suspect the insects are entering your home). Change the cotton balls often in order to keep insects from coming back.
Aloe only kills on contact, so you should either use it to attack a nest or where you know an infestation is occurring. Crush an aloe plant and place it in a container. Then, cover the plant with water. Let this mixture sit for a few hours before straining. Then place 5 parts water and 1 part aloe into a mist sprayer. Spray this mix onto the insects.