You might have heard about the many health benefits of turmeric – or maybe you still think of this popular spice as only belonging in your spice rack. Either way, you may be surprised to find out that a simple combination of turmeric and honey (known as “golden honey”) is an extremely useful natural remedy.

Turmeric has anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic properties that make it very good for your health. It is also able to destroy bacteria that cause diseases, aiding your body’s natural defence system. Combine turmeric with honey – which has its own antibacterial properties – and you have a pretty strong natural remedy. In fact, according to Healthy and Natural World, turmeric golden honey is considered to be the strongest natural antibiotic.

How to make this remedy

Combine 3.5oz of raw organic honey with one tablespoon of turmeric powder and mix well. Store in a sealable glass container.

As soon as you exhibit the first symptoms of cold or flu, start to take the remedy in the following quantities:

  • On day one, take half a teaspoon every hour.
  • On day two, take half a teaspoon every two hours.
  • On day three, take half a teaspoon three times a day.

Turmeric and weight control

Turmeric actually melts away body fat, according to research from Tufts University in Boston. Scientists discovered that curcumin – which is the active ingredient in turmeric – reduced weight gain and total body fat in mice. Study authors explained: “By diminishing the sediment of fat, relaxing the lymphatic return, and refraining the apoptosis of beta cells, the curcumin might significantly decrease the level of insulin resistance and leptin resistance caused by a high fat diet.”

Turmeric and pain relief

According to Bel Marra Health, turmeric is actually a natural pain reliever – again thanks to its powerful active ingredient, curcumin. Its antioxidant properties help to get rid of free radicals before they can do any damage, and also combat inflammation brought on by osteoarthritis, making turmeric a natural remedy for pain.

Turmeric and inflammation

Turmeric is competitively effective when compared with a class of steroid medications known as corticosteroids which are used to manage chronic inflammation. Curcumin and resveratrol (also found in turmeric) can be helpful in the fight against tumour cells, by reducing their propensity to spread to other parts of the body, and reducing their ability to inflame local regions.

Various turmeric studies have been carried out using injectable forms of the spice – which is more bioaccessible than turmeric taken orally. According to Natural Health 365, researchers believe that curcumin has chemo-preventive properties, helping it to combat cancers of the digestive tract, skin and mouth in animal studies. Curcumin not only triggers the activity of natural carcinogenic-detoxifying enzymes, but it also inhibits cancer calls from growing and spreading.

Spicy tropical smoothies

Since turmeric is one of the best natural anti-inflammatories you can consume, it is worth incorporating it into your diet on a regular basis. Check out the following amazing recipe for a spicy tropical smoothie; simply blend these ingredients together:

  • 1 cup of coconut milk
  • 1/2 cup of pineapple chunks
  • 1 banana
  • 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric
  • 1/4 teaspoon of freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 tsp of honey or maple syrup