Just a very few years ago, Bill Gates publicly declared before a live audience that using vaccinations strategically may help reduce the world population by 15 percent. Many claimed it was a slip of tongue, like a verbal typo. The audience and mainstream media apparently ignored it.
However, actual worldwide events indicate that population control is part or the world vaccination agenda.
Looking at the more immediate past, the oral polio vaccine (OPV) campaign in India and Pakistan serve as examples. You will read claims of outrageous success, especially regarding India, about how polio has been greatly reduced ever since the OPV campaign had begun a few years ago.
This campaign, initiated by the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) is partially funded by $1.3 billion from The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. It’s primary targets recently have been India, Pakistan, Nigeria, and the Philippines. But the tales of success are tainted with partial truths, important factual omissions, and big lies.
The hidden truths of polio eradication efforts
Oral polio vaccines have been banned in most western industrial nations because they cause polio. But those polios are called other names, thus making it seem normal wild virus polio as reduced or eradicated. OPVs contain live polio viruses that fester in the digestive system and come out stronger in faeces. This process lasts for up to a few weeks.
The root of contagious viral diseases in developing nations, including polio, stems from poor waste removal and drinking water also used for bathing. Many children five years of age and younger given mass oral polio vaccinations did wind up bathing in drinking water.
The result has been an epidemic of vaccine-associated polio paralysis (VAPP) and acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) reported by the 2012 Indian Journal of Medical Ethics 2012. In India during 2011, almost 48,000 such cases arose, and the numbers rose regionally in proportion to OPV doses administered to children.
Yet in 2010, there were only 42 cases of wild virus polio reported in India. In fact, around 2005 before this OPV program, India had declared that polio was no longer a health priority.
Statistically, children infected with AFP by oral polio vaccines are twice as likely to die as those infected with the wild polio virus. Worldwide AFP cases have risen steadily from 1996 to 2010. Under the umbrella of AFP there are Poliomyelitis, Transverse Myelitis, Guillain-Barre syndrome, enteroviral encephalopathy, traumatic neuritis, and others.
Less than 1 percent of children infected with wild polio are likely to become paralysed. But AFP from OVPs cause more paralysis and death. Meanwhile, mega-dose vitamin C therapy, proven effective for curing polio, is ignored.
While India celebrated the eradication of polio in early 2012, the 2011 AFP statistic was ignored. In Pakistan, where the program continued, up to 30 healthcare workers administering OPVs were killed by villagers over the recent two years. It seems word got around.
Around a decade or so earlier, in Nigeria, the Philippines, and Mexico, local wary lab technicians found a UN program’s donated tetanus vaccines, suspiciously only for women of child bearing age, contained human chorionic gonandotropin (HCG), which nullifies fertility without consent and enhances depopulation.
Using much less money to create better sanitation and drinking water to minimise polio’s spreading and providing mega-dose vitamin C treatments for those infected is not part of the polio agenda.
So yes, Bill was right. Clever use of vaccinations will help reduce the population under the guise of benevolent aid for local residents.