When your throat hurts, what you eat and drink may make a difference. Some foods and drinks ease pain, while others may aggravate and cause discomfort.
Some food and drinks nourish your body and strengthen your immune system, while others may undermine your recovery.
See below for some guidance from healthcare practitioners and researchers on food and drink that may help soothe a sore throat, plus a checklist of foods and beverages to avoid.
What to Eat and Drink When Your Throat Hurts
1. Oatmeal
Warm, soft foods like oatmeal (and its cousins porridge, grits, and cream of wheat) are a soothing choice for someone with a sore throat, according to Robert H. Hopkins Jr., MD, the medical director of the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases. “Soft foods go down easy and are less likely to irritate,” he says.
Even though researchers haven’t specifically looked at oatmeal’s effect on viral infections, oats are nourishing for people who are sick because they contain anti-inflammatory vitamins and other compounds that support the immune system. Research has found that beta-glucan, a major active compound in oats, has cholesterol-lowering and antidiabetic effects.
On top of that, oatmeal can boost digestive health, and it’s packed with B vitamins and minerals (such as manganese, iron, magnesium, and zinc) that can bolster immunity and energise the body.
2. Eggs
Dr. Hopkins recommends eggs (scrambled, fried, soft-boiled, or otherwise) as a good choice for someone with a sore throat because they are warm, soft, and easy to swallow.
Eggs are not only rich in protein but contain the nutritional components lutein, zeaxanthin, choline, vitamin D, selenium, and vitamin A. These may help fuel your immune system and build strength when you’re weakened by a virus.
3. Mashed Potatoes
Potatoes are the quintessential comfort food, especially when mashed (try using a little milk or Greek yogurt to make them creamy). They are also an excellent source of vitamin C, an antioxidant that supports the immune system and reduces inflammation.
On top of that, the potassium in potatoes helps maintain heart and muscle function
Potatoes also support hydration – they are more than 70 percent water – which is especially important when you’re fighting an upper respiratory infection.
4. Warm Broth or Soup
For centuries, soups – and chicken soup in particular – have been considered a remedy for upper respiratory infections.
“Soups can be very comforting when you have a sore throat,” says Shane Reynolds, a physician assistant with Banner Urgent Care in Peoria, Arizona. Further, the steam from soup may open up congested noses and throats, and provide fluid, which thins mucus and helps prevent dehydration.
Warm liquids definitely help a sore throat. In one small pilot study, scientists examined the effects of a hot and room-temperature drink (specifically, a diluted grape juice beverage) in 30 people who had symptoms of a common cold or flu-like illness. Their findings: “The hot drink provided immediate and sustained relief from symptoms of runny nose, cough, sneezing, sore throat, chilliness, and tiredness, whereas the same drink at room temperature only provided relief from symptoms of runny nose, cough, and sneezing.”
5. Lemon Water
Good hydration is important when you’re battling a virus, and it may ease pain. Hydration helps fight inflammation, flush toxins, thin mucus, and keep the throat moist.
A squeeze of lemon can help make water taste better. Plus lemons are an excellent source of vitamin C which may give the immune system a boost.
6. Hot Tea
As with warm broth, hot tea may help clear congestion, provide a mild anti-inflammatory effect, and help clear postnasal drip – the excess mucus that builds up and drips down the back of your throat.
Because caffeine in tea and coffee can have a mild diuretic effect (reducing fluid in the body), Christine Nguyen, DO, a family physician with the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida, suggests avoiding caffeinated drinks and opting for herbal or decaffeinated teas instead.
Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City recommends peppermint and its main active agent, menthol, for its cooling effect. Other research points to green tea and ginger tea as having anti-inflammatory properties that may also ease the soreness.
7. Honey Mixed Into Warm Water or Tea
Pritish K. Tosh, MD, an infectious-disease specialist with Mayo Clinic, calls honey a time-honoured way to soothe a sore throat and an effective natural cough suppressant, coating the throat and lessening irritation.
An article in the journal Canadian Family Physician includes a review of studies that provide some support for honey as a potential throat soother.
Another published review suggests that honey’s benefits come from the way it impacts various anti-inflammatory pathways in the body. “But be careful not to give honey to children less than 1 year old,” cautions Dr. Nguyen. “For children that age, honey contains a bacteria that can produce toxins and lead to botulism.”
8. Popsicles
Food and drinks that are cool tend to help reduce swelling, doctors say, which can ease some of the pain of a sore throat. Popsicles also help prevent dehydration.
“We definitely use popsicles with kids who have sore throats, as the cool and the liquid helps,” says Jeffrey Druck, MD, an emergency physician with University of Utah Hospital in Salt Lake City. Jell-O and smoothies are other good choices.
Cold foods like yogurt and ice cream can also soothe a sore throat, as long as you’re not lactose intolerant, says Hopkins, adding that in some cases, milk and milk products can increase mucus production.
Foods to Avoid When You Have Sore Throat
When you have a sore throat, certain foods just won’t be appealing to you, or may worsen your throat pain. Others can be dehydrating.
Some of the reported culprits are:
Hard, crunchy foods
Avoid sharp-edged snacks or foods with craggy surfaces like toast, chips, crackers, pretzels, popcorn, carrot sticks or other raw vegetables, and fried foods.
Spicy foods
These will hurt your throat, although some people claim they can “short-circuit” throat pain.
Alcohol and caffeinated drinks
These are dehydrating. Note that some energy drinks contain caffeine and should be avoided.
The acidity and fizz of carbonated drinks may irritate the throat.
When to See a Doctor for a Sore Throat
While most sore throats clear up on their own over the course of several days, sometimes they are a sign of something more serious. In some instances, a bacterial infection such as strep throat can be the cause.
Strep throat can be harsher than your average sore throat, accompanied by symptoms such as fever, body aches, chills, and swollen lymph nodes in addition to difficulty swallowing. In these cases, antibiotics are needed to treat the infection and prevent rheumatic fever and other complications.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) urges people to be aware of serious symptoms and see a doctor if they experience any of the following indications of severe illness:
- Difficulty breathing
- Blood in saliva or phlegm
- Excessive drooling (in young children)
- Dehydration
- Difficulty swallowing
- Joint swelling and pain
- Rash
SOURCE: Everyday Health