Home Magazine Print Magazines VOL 3 ISSUE 28



In this Feature we highlight some alternative approaches to healthcare; Associate Professor Michael Baigent, psychiatrist and clinical adviser to Beyond Blue, provides some action points for Weathering the Storm in the current economic environment; we showcase Natural Therapies that can Make A Difference for people suffering from Depression and Alzheimers; Shari Rhodes reminds us how to Accept Who We Are, and we take a look at Brain TrainingTM.

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This feature looks at human cells, and how our increased understanding of how cells function (thanks to new technologies) is shifting our perception of the importance and relevance of cellular health to our overall wellbeing. What is nanotechnology for example, and how is this technology being used in our foods in Australia? This excerpt from the Australian Consumers Association (ACA) publication CHOICE, takes a closer look at this.
Dr Bruce Lipton, the internationally recognized authority on Epigenetics (the biology of cells that looks at the change in appearance and expression of cells) and former conventional scientist, has been transformed since realizing that life is controlled by signals from the ‘environment’. In this article he discusses how this concept relates to cells.
Our article Haemorrhaging Nirvana, is an interview with Dr Jill Bolte Taylor by David Kupfer. Twelve years ago Dr Bolte Taylor, a Harvard-trained and published neuroanatomist and spokeswoman for the Harvard Brain Tissue Resource Centre, had a serious stroke that traumatized the left hemisphere of her brain. Find out how she survived and what she discovered about her left and right brain.

In our article on Cell Memory by Arleen Hanks, we look at how a therapy called Life Alignment affects the way cells perform.


Dance the hour with intention
In every hour of every day we have golden opportunities – opportunities not just to be here on earth, but opportunities to shape and influence our destiny.


Staying healthy

Health Practitioners all agree that if we started off with following the simple rules of: A – an Apple a day, B – Breathe deeply, C – Chew our food, D – Drink more water and E – Exercise more regularly, we would all be much more healthy.


Be the change you want to see in the world

With so much information in this technology-rich era, how do we know what is the right thing to do? Do we listen to the radio show with the Christian talk show host? Do we follow what our parents have taught us? Do we allow our friends and neighbours to tell us what to do and how we should be?


Osteopathy – a philosophy of health

Osteopathy can be described as an integration of science, philosophy and art. However, first and foremost, it is a philosophical view of health and healthcare.

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Please add photo of Orna Ben-Shoshan and blurb to artists:


Artist Orna Ben-Shoshan conceives the images she paints through channeling. All of her paintings are completed in her mind before she transfers them onto the canvas.Her metaphysical work infuses deep spiritual experience with subtle humor. Orna Ben-Shoshan has been an auto deduct artist for the past 30 years. Her artwork has beem exhibited in numerous locations in the USA, Europe and Israel. Her major motivation as a visual artist is to share her visions with others to expand their consciousness and inspire new ways of thinking. To see more of her artwork, you can visit: www.ben-shoshan.com.


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In this Feature we highlight some alternative approaches to healthcare; Associate Professor Michael Baigent, psychiatrist and clinical adviser to Beyond Blue, provides some action points for Weathering the Storm in the current economic environment; we showcase Natural Therapies that can Make A Difference for people suffering from Depression and Alzheimers; Shari Rhodes reminds us how to Accept Who We Are, and we take a look at Brain TrainingTM.