Cover Story – Waris Dirie
Waris Dirie was born into a nomad family living in the Somali desert near the border to Ethopia in 1965. At the tender age of five, she was forced to undergo the inhuman procedure of female genital mutilation (FGM), and then at the age of thirteen, she was forced to go into marriage with an older man. Unhappy with these decisions that were thrust upon her, Waris decided to make a daring escape – initially to relatives living in Africa and then on to London. In this Cover Story Waris shares more of her story
Cancer Stats, Cancer Screening, Cancer Chemo
“My mother died of cancer when she was 64 and my sister died of cancer when she was 57. So because of a possible genetic predisposition to cancer, the “dreaded disease” is never far from my mind, as I know it is with many other people.” Jane Goldberg shares what she has discovered from her research and personal experience.
The light of health and the shadow of illness
The poet Gary Snyder once remarked that only those persons who are capable of giving up the planet Earth are fit to work for its ecological survival. With this comment he illuminated a perspective that is frequently forgotten: There is an intrinsic relatedness between opposites, even the extremes of planetary death and survival. The same unifying power undergirds the extremes of health and illness.” Dr Larry Dossey explains.
The Maturing Industry of Yoga
Outrage sparked by an article in the New York Times magazine, How Yoga Can Wreck Your Body was as impassioned as it was predictable. Yet other, quieter voices responded ‘of course’. Any physical activity from jogging to sneezing, can cause harm, and underqualified and inexperienced teachers have the capacity to harm in any situation, not just a yoga class. The silver lining of the article fallout is the introspection it inspires as yoga teachers worldwide examine whether they could be doing things better. Brook McCarthy reports.
The Acid-Alkaline Debate
According to Ayurvedic philosophy, the universe functions on the principle of the sun (pitta or acid) giving heat or metablic force while the moon, the opposing force (kapha or alkaline) maintains the juice of life. Acid or pitta is the metabolic principle that powers every cell of the body while alkaline or kapha is the principle that protects, stabilises and nurtures every cell. Jay Mulder explains.
The Difference Between Shame and Remorse
The idea that shame is a natural human emotion and is experienced by all people in all different cultures in our world is a common assumption. However, it is not a correct one. Shame is a ‘false’ emotion, one which we are taught to experience, when what we need to learn is remorse. Anne Matheson elaborates.
The Symbol Of Transformation
The Kerykeion of Hermes or Caduceus of Mercury is a seed symbol which is used so prolifically around the world that it could be considered an archetype of the collective unconscious. Tony Caves explains.
Peeling Back The Layers – the benefits of counselling
from The Longest Journey
by Amanda Stuart
9.5 Kilometres of Freedom and Clarity
from A Better Life
by Craig Hamilton