Home Magazine Print Magazines VOL 3 ISSUE 48



  • Pranayama Breathing for Physical Health
    ● Healing Your Inner Family: Part 2: The Challenge
    ● Using Metaphor as a Catalyst for Physical Change
    ● Conscious Energy Breathing is an Art and a Science
  • Varma Therapy for Autism
  • Yoga for Seniors
  • Retreat Review: Peninsular Hot Springs
    ● Book Extract: Yin Yoga
  • Book Extract: Let’s Talk About It


DREAMING HEALING: Dreamer, Heal Thyself: Diagnosing Physical Illness via Dreams
by Amy Campion
MUSINGS ON LIFE – Love Of All by Ted Scott
ART PROFILE: Curious Country by Howard Maylor
TREATMENT REVIEW: Octavier Chabrier
WHAT ABOUT OUR FOOD: What’s Happening to Our Garlic? by Lauren Waters
ON: Laughter

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physical healing

Pranayama Breathing for Physical Health
The paradox of yoga practices is a simultaneous ease and complexity.  At one level you can jump straight in and begin to reap the benefits, but the more you practice and learn, the more you realise how deeply complex these practices can be and how they could easily take a lifetime to master.  Jennifer Schrader explores some of the preliminary aspects of pranayama – breathing exercises – and how they can improve physical health and wellbeing.


Yoga for Seniors
Margaret barely gets past the front door of my yoga studio before being warmly greeted by her classmates. She is returning to our Thursday morning yoga session after an absence of nearly a year, during which time she has had both a shoulder and hip reconstruction from a fall related to a sodium deficiency. At 86, she is also the oldest member of this group and has rarely missed a class since joining at age 69. Yoga has indeed been a vital aspect of her senior years. Anne Loudon relates.


mental healing

Using Metaphor as a Catalyst for Physical Change
When you’re experiencing a strong emotion – happiness for example – whereabouts do you feel it? And when it’s there, is there anything else about it? Does it have a size or a shape? And when it’s there, and it’s that size and that shape, it’s like what? Before reading on, draw a quick diagram or picture to represent your answer. Whatever you drew will almost certainly be a metaphor: it compares the abstract concept of happiness to something much more tangible. Judy Rees explains.


energy healing

Conscious Energy Breathing Is An Art and a Science
It may be surprising to hear that most people’s breathing mechanism is impaired at birth or during the formative years of childhood. Sometimes it can be so blocked that as young adults we just have enough breath to survive! This means that our capacities to regenerate, enjoy life and evolve can become limited because we have lost the ability to breathe energy as well as air. Ghislaine Bouskila explains.


Varma Therapy for Autism
Noting the suffering of families with autistic children, Sri Pranaji, a highly-skilled Siddha practitioner and teacher, strongly believes that there is an effective treatment for Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD.) By adapting knowledge from the ancient Siddha Varmam Healing System, he has created a specific massage therapy for autistic children called Varma Therapy for Autism. Lin Foley reports.


book extract

Extract from Yin Yoga by Ulrica Norberg
Yin can be described as stable, immobile, feminine, passive, cold, and downward moving. Yang is depicted as changing, mobile, masculine, active, hot, and upward moving. In nature, a mountain could be described as yin; the ocean, as yang. Within the body, the relatively stiff connective tissue (tendons, ligaments, fascia) is yin, while the pliant and mobile muscles and blood are yang.


emotional healing

Healing Your Inner Family: Part 2: The Challenge
In the previous article in this 4-part series on Healing Your Inner Family (Part 1 in Mar/May 2014 issue of The Art of Healing), Anne Matheson discussed how to build trusting relationships with your inner family. In this second article, Anne explains how it is not just about changing beliefs, but changing our feelings and the challenges this involves.

retreat review

         Peninsular Hot Springs
When, after driving for 1 ½ hours, I finally arrived at Peninsula Hot Springs (it is a 90 minute drive south of Melbourne on the Mornington Peninsula), I couldn’t get a car park! I couldn’t believe it. Here we are, in a rural location just outside of Rye, in the middle of a working week on a Wednesday morning, and the place is packed! A good sign me thinks …

Plus Regular Articles Which Include:

DREAMING HEALING: Dreamer, Heal Thyself: Diagnosing Physical Illness via Dreams
by Amy Campion
MUSINGS ON LIFE – Love Of All by Ted Scott
ART PROFILE: Curious Country by Howard Maylor
TREATMENT REVIEW: Octavier Chabrier
WHAT ABOUT OUR FOOD: What’s Happening to Our Garlic? by Lauren Waters
ON: Laughter