Maitake: The Magnificent Dancing Mushroom
In Japan, Maitake mushrooms are known as “the dancing mushroom.” According to Japanese legend, a group of Buddhist nuns and woodcutters met on a mountain trail, where they discovered a fruiting of maitake mushrooms emerging from the forest floor. Rejoicing at their discovery of this delicious mushroom, they danced to celebrate. In Italy, this species is known as signorina, or “the unmarried woman.” Today, these two common names, bestowed long ago on the opposite sides of the planet, seem especially deserving and perhaps foretell recent research findings. Paul Stamets continues his revealing findings and research on mushrooms.
Diet Cure a Bone of Contention
Science usually trumps alternative healthcare – but maybe not always, writes Natasha Greenwood.
Fat Is Good For You – Dispelling The Myths
Although total dietary fat consumption has risen slightly since 1900, fats coming from animal sources have substantially decreased while dietary vegetable fats, including trans fats, have risen almost exponentially. And many of these fats have entered the human diet within the past hundred years. In this Book Extract, Nora Gedgaudas, author of Primal Body, Primal Mind, looks at the impact this is having on human beings.
Change Your Perception
It is possible to experience situations without becoming emotionally spent. This does not mean that you have to become cold or insensitive towards what is happening around you. It is a question of living through situations without burying oneself in them. If you drown in them you will not be able to help anybody, not even yourself. You will be lost like a shipwreck at the mercy of the waves. You will have lost control over the helm of your boat, your life. In this Book Extract from From Neediness to Fulfillment, Spanish writer Mirriam Subirana explains.
Great Expectations
What happens when we have an expectation of an event or a person and our expectation doesn’t work out? Why are we so often let down? Why are we extolled to have no expectations so that we are not disappointed? Anne Matheson continues her series on what we need to change from childhood to develop as true adults.
Minimising the Risk of Dementia
There is no doubt that through the advances of modern medicine and technology we have all been given the chance to live longer. However, whilst there is a great deal of emphasis on information that tells us how we can promote a healthy body and extended life expectancy, there is a comparative lack of information about what we can do to promote a healthy brain. Avni Sali divulges.
Masculine and Feminine Subtle Energy Principles
Many Eastern philosophies believe in the concept of dualism and the ultimate spiritual goal of unification or integration. Dualism is often recognised by the subtle energy principles of masculine and feminine. These energies are complementary, interdependent and present in all creation, regardless of gender. Jennifer Schrader reports.
The Boundless Remedy – Part II
From a very early age we are conditioned and programed to operate dualistically, encouraged to base ourselves within the physical body and physical environment. This is a trap because it will always be unsatisfactory and frustrating however successful we appear to be on the surface. In this second article, Tony Caves examines the methods and practice that enable us to function at optimal levels of awareness and lead to our awakening and greater sense of wellbeing.
A New Regular Column by Petrea King – Healing Wisdom
The Lost Art of Convalesence
Plus Regular Articles which include:
ART PROFILE: A Journey of Visual Healing by Arna Baartz
MUSINGS ON LIFE – Augustus and the Robber by Ted Scott