Can Eating Enoki Mushrooms Lower Your Cancer Risk?
Enoki mushrooms were one of the first mushrooms studied for preventing cancer. Credit for discovering this medical benefit goes in large part to Dr Tetsuro Ikekawa, a former epidemiologist at the Research Institute of the National Cancer Center in Tokyo, Japan. Dr Ikekawa wondered why the cancer rates in the Nagano Prefecture of Japan were abnormally low compared to surrounding provinces. What he found was that enoki farmers gave their bruised or blemished mushrooms to locals, who consequently ate far more of these mushrooms than their neighbours. Paul Stamets elaborates.
Gastrointestinal Health (GI)
A healthy gut is an important but often overlooked area of health maintenance and disease prevention. GI issues are on the rise, particularly in Western populations, due to poor diets, stress, the overuse of antibiotics and other medications. In this article Professor Avni Sali explains the benefits of probiotics, prebiotics, synbiotics, herbal medicines, Traditional Chinese Medicine, stress management, meditation, psychotherapy, counselling, hypnotherapy, exercise and other dietary and lifestyle changes which can alleviate symptoms.
Metabolic Health: Views from East and West
Fire is well renowned for its ability to purify and transform. Yogic and Ayurvedic texts talk of agni, internal fires, which refer broadly to our ability to process all aspects of life. This article by Jennifer Schrader explores agni relating to the physical body (annamaya kosha) and its link to the Western understanding of metabolism.
Abandoning Control
– one woman’s journey with breast cancer
I am writing this on the fifth anniversary of my surgery for breast cancer. There have been plenty of times when I wondered if I would make it this far. Even at this point, which is auspicious in terms of the medical world’s statistical way of thinking, I know how fragile we are. I do not take my life and future for granted, and after the process of the past five years, I can never go back to being who I was. In this extract from Finding Our Life Force by Caro Jonas and Jane Gillespie, Jann Chambers shares aspects of her journey with cancer.
Discovering Your True Adult
With our growth and development we move in stages, where certain developmental events occur which propel us through the stages we call infancy, childhood, adolescence and on to old age. Anne Matheson continues her series on how we can discover our true adult.
Living in Freedom and Grace
Natural grace and elegance are not the consequence of being a refined person in the ordinary sense of cultivating beauty, intelligence, and decorum. Nor is it about holding onto youth, wealth, or social status. That type of refinement is based on self-importance and therefore attachment. It also reflects the conventional values of society and requires us to constantly adjust our self-image for worldly effect. Text: Wes Milliman.
What Is It About Dreams?
Understanding your dreams can be one of the most powerful tools to help understand your Self, and lead not only to personal growth, but even transformation. When we understand our dreams we evolve not only our own thinking, we can also contribute to the development of humanity as a whole. Grand claims, to be sure. So how is this so? Amy Campion explains.
The Boundless Remedy – Part III
In previous articles in this series, we have seen how the dualistic fixation conditions and programs our thinking. We are all the same but we are all different. This is the eternal paradox of the dualistic state within which we are all stuck. It leads us to believe that our lives and the world are solid, separate, permanent, continuous and defined. The four presuppositions show that this perception may possibly be misleading and is based on belief fuelled by emotion through the linear, five-sense, consensus view of reality. Static and moving meditation that puts us in touch with the fluid, energetic ever-changing view of reality is a way out of this paradox. Stepping into the stream, we float with the flow. Tony Caves continues his series.
The culture of Bali is unique. People say that the Balinese people have reached self-content, and it is not an exaggeration to say that when a Balinese is asked what heaven is like, he says just like Bali, without the worries of mundane life. They want to live in Bali, to be cremated in Bali when they die, and to reincarnate in Bali.
Plus Regular Articles which include:
HEALING WISDOM: Recipe for Happiness by Petrea King
ART PROFILE: The Stargate Series by Dave Hughes
MUSINGS ON LIFE – And This Too Shall Pass by Ted Scott
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