Home Magazine Digital Magazines VOL 4 ISSUE 81, DEC/FEB 2023

VOL 4 ISSUE 81, DEC/FEB 2023


Just love the advice coming from a gastroenterologist this issue on how to look after the gut: hydrate, drink (and enhance) a cup of coffee, eat breakfast … well sometimes, and jump in a freezing cold pool. A great article on Envy this issue too … “sometimes envy is a sign that something is missing from our lives, which masquerades as the object of our envy, but isn’t what we truly desire.” And we are shining the spotlight on 3 fabulous Australian women in this issue: Adjunct Professor Kylie Ward, CEO of the Australian College of Nursing – our Q&A looks at what needs to change in the nursing profession; Stavroula Zandes, a behaviour change consultant who advises changing our mindsets, believing in ourselves, and talks us through moving forward with confidence; and Flavia Fayet-Moore, a scientist, nutritionist, entrepreneur who brings lots of new ideas to the table regarding how and what to eat. Our Feature this is issue is on Aged Care, and we look at the case for counsellors and psychotherapists to be permanent staff in aged care facilities, ageing and sleep, and financial advice for navigating aged care. If you’ve never heard of crowdhealing, you can read all about it, and then there’s our usual book reviews and editor pics, and of course our recipes –oh the recipes! Don’t miss how to make the sublime Persian Love Cake.
