The great shift in the consciousness of humanity has hit critical mass and passed the point of no return. It’s been building slowly but surely, and now it’s about to kick into high gear. The next decade or so will be a period of enormous change and perhaps more than a little turbulence. Think of this as the process of humanity going into labour as it begins to birth a new earth reality. In this article, I offer what I consider the six keys to smoothly and successfully making the shift to the New Earth and becoming a charter member of a wonderful new era of humanity.

Before diving into the practical advice that I have to offer, I’ll briefly explore the shift that is underway.

The Shift and the Ascent of Humanity

The Earth and our entire solar system is being bathed in a powerful cosmic energy that is causing the base frequency of the planet and everything on it to ascend. The Earth has transitioned from the 3rd to the 4th dimension, and it continues to slowly shift upward. This energy is triggering awakenings and shifts in consciousness of people all over the world. As our consciousness shifts to higher perspectives, we are taking our first baby steps towards transcending this realm of duality and separation.

Even though the collective consciousness of humanity is ascending, many remain locked in 3D consciousness. This level of consciousness focuses on differences, separation, and limitation, and expresses as fear, self-serving and controlling behaviour, and us-against-them dog-eat-dog mentalities. The ultimate result of which is the creation of a world characterised by competition, conflict, and suffering.

Those that can break free from 3D consciousness will have the pleasure of experiencing the birth and growth of a wonderful new era of humanity — which is one characterised by cooperation, harmony, peace, and prosperity for all. The key to participating in the new earth reality is to attain and maintain heightened levels of consciousness.

What to Expect During the Transition Period

There may be some turbulence as the foundation of peoples’ beliefs are shaken to the core, and the winds of change start to rock our existing institutions and systems. How extensive this turbulence will be is impossible to predict, but one thing is for sure — your state of consciousness determines whether, and to what extent, you get entangled in it.

Two Worlds, One Playing Field

Contrary to what some people believe about the trans-dimensional shift of earth from 3D to 4D, those who remain in 3D consciousness do not disappear from our 4D earth reality. We all remain visible to each other, and we will all appear to be on the same playing field.

Despite appearances, it will be more like two separate worlds coexisting in the same space. Third density consciousness will play out, and this will be witnessed by those of us who have moved beyond 3D consciousness and the fall of the old world and its mentalities. Those that remain stuck in 3D consciousness won’t just witness this fall they will directly experience it and some of its associated unpleasantness. At the same time, those that have transcended 3D consciousness will be experiencing the birthing of a wonderful new world and the worst of any unpleasantness will pass them by.

The 6 Keys to Successfully Making the Shift

Many of us are well on our way to transcending 3D consciousness and have released many outmoded and limiting beliefs, buried negative emotions, and fears — others still have some work to do. In the challenging times ahead there are some potential stumbling blocks that may trip some of us up and cause some backsliding. Here are six things that you can do to help avoid these stumbling blocks and stay on track to becoming a charter member of the New Earth.

#1 – Release Your Emotional Baggage

Every soul who has chosen to have a human experience knows that the separation from their divine source that the Earth game entailed would lead to some painful emotional experiences. To cope with it, many of us have deeply buried lots of emotional pain — pain that we have accumulated not only in this life but many others.

An integral part of the awakening process and shift of consciousness that is sweeping across humanity, is the surfacing of our deeply buried emotions. This surfacing of emotions, although painful and disturbing at times, gives us the opportunity to address and release the emotions, as well as forgive all those involved, including ourselves.

These buried emotions are low frequency (negative) energies trapped within the energy field of your body. As the base frequency of earth — and everything on it — increases, these stuck emotions keep you tightly anchored to 3rd density earth reality, and will continue to adversely affect your physical health. If not addressed they will ultimately lead to your expiration from the Earth game.

Another problem related to unreleased emotional baggage is that it will trigger the manifestation of increased adversity into your life. Because of the heightened base frequencies of everything in our reality, manifestation is quickening. Now, more than ever, any pent up negative emotional energy is a potent manifestation force that will draw adversity into your life.

We can see this adversity happening every day. All of our emotional baggage is surfacing and releasing, giving the appearance that the world is worsening rather than improving. It’s a good sign, however, because once it’s all cleared the state of our lives and the world will start improving and become far more harmonious.

Ultimately, you won’t complete the shift to 4th density earth without releasing all your emotional baggage. You simply cannot stay with the new earth if you do not release all your emotional baggage. It is lower frequency energy that will keep you anchored in 3rd density.

#2 – Maintain the Sacred Neutral

Remember the importance of sacred neutrality. Find a way to not be drawn into the negativity that is rampant in our world. There are plenty of people whose awareness has not expanded yet who are still living in fear and negativity. Worse yet, our fear and negativity is being encouraged by a few with a very self-serving agenda. There is a small elite group of people lurking in the shadowy parts of our government, corporations, and the military/industrial complex that want to maintain their power and control at all costs.

Try not to get drawn into the confusion, mayhem, and nonsense that may ensue as the old begins to crumble.

Stay detached as you watch the drama play out while you continue to be a living example of a new level of awareness. Do not be drawn into the fray and drama of those who do not want to let go of the old ways and the old world.

Do not be drawn into the drama of those well-meaning people who are outraged by disturbing revelations, or the actions of others who allow themselves to become embroiled in the drama. This is THEIR choice. Stay on your higher path.

Stay centered in your heightened consciousness and keep the drama at bay. Stay out of the fray and focus your energy on maintaining your heightened perspective. Focus your energy on being a shining example of the new consciousness.

Focus your energy on demonstrating this through your enterprises and in your local communities.

Do whatever you can, however small, to contribute to creating the new paradigm wherever you are — in your enterprises, your communities, in your families.

No matter what happens, strive to stay neutral and calm — be the “eye in the centre of the hurricane” as the world storms around you. Make every effort not to engage in the drama, even if terrible things happen. Doing so only gives energy to itand makes it worse. Remain centred in your higher perspective, principles, and ideals.

Avoid the temptation to judge or condemn those embroiled in the drama, on either side, as good or bad, regardless of whether their actions seem justified or not. Judgement and condemnation never serve to heal these situations; they only sustain them or make them worse.

Be a living example of sacred neutrality, calmness, positivity, non-judgement, and love in the face of the storm. Your example will be an immense help to all those who are struggling with and getting drawn into fear and negativity.

Humbly and quietly share from your heart your perspective on the bigger picture if anyone asks how you aremaintaining calmness, stability, and a positive outlook. This will be of great service to the world in the times ahead.

Strive to keep this all in perspective. Remember that this is a journey and adventure that your soul chose. The challenges we are facing can be seen as unexpected chaos and lead to feelings of despair, or they can be viewed as the anticipated and needed catalysts for our individual and collective spiritual growth, which leads to feelings of joy as we attain new levels of understanding and awareness.

#3 – Send Unconditional Love and Forgiveness to Everyone Involved

As we begin to witness the fall of the old world and the mayhem that may ensue as 3D consciousness plays out, it is imperative that we send everyone involved unconditional love and forgiveness. Send it to innocent bystanders, send it to those you may view as unenlightened, and even send it to those who you may view as self-serving or dark.

As you observe the world in conflict and violence, remind yourself of your core principles and values. Rather than reacting with judgement and condemnation, consciously choose to respond with love and forgiveness. Forgive everyone involved and send as much healing love as you can to them. Do it in any way you know how, any way that resonates with you, but do it. Unconditional forgiveness and love is the secret sauce that holds the power to heal the entire world! Jesus knew it, Martin Luther King Jr. knew it, the Buddha knew it, and we know it.

#4 – Accept that the Old Will Fall and Focus on Creating the New

We are birthing a new world, a new paradigm. As a part of this process, much of the old will fall. But, what will sprout up in its place are the very things we are creating from the grass-roots up – right now. Don’t be too concerned with the fall of the old. The old must wither and die to make room for the new.

Like the plants that grow in your garden; when Autumn comes, they wither and die, and then rot in the ground — but they enrich the soil. They must pass to make room for the new growth of spring. In the spring, the seedling sprouts anew. We are the seedlings — the seeds of the new world are being sown by us.

Focus on the wonderful garden we are going to create together; the new paradigm we are birthing. If the seeds that fell spent all their energy on trying to stop their parents from withering and dying, they might very well exhaust themselves and be unable to sprout the next spring.

#5 – Maintain the Highest Vision of a Smooth and Effective Shift

Even though the transitional period is likely to include some turbulence, its extent is by no means set in stone. Do not fall into the trap of imagining the worst outcome. You are a creator and you are co-creating our reality with your thoughts, so make sure you steadfastly envision only the best outcomes for everyone involved, and trust that by living squarely in the new consciousness the worst of any turbulence will pass you by.

#6 – Demonstrate the Higher Way Through Simple Acts of Kindness

Kindness is the one thing above all else that will take us to the next level. Kindness is your helpful, supportive, and uplifting words and actions. Kindness is informed by, and an expression of, the divine qualities of acceptance, allowance, non-judgement, forgiveness, and compassion and is perhaps the most important key to making the shift to the new earth.

The world does not need more cleverness; it needs more kindness. Simple acts of kindness are the force that will birth our new world and guarantee your place in it. Shower everyone and everything with kindness and watch the magic happen!

Birthing the New Earth

Tremendous changes are rapidly approaching that will herald the arrival the new era. As the beliefs, institutions, and systems of the old paradigm begin to shake, crumble, or morph radically around us, stay unwaveringly centred in your new consciousness, and you will successfully join the new earth and participate in the new era of humanity.

Let each of our lives be the living example on which this new era is grounded. Let acceptance, allowance, non-judgement, forgiveness, compassion, love and kindness guide our way to the manifestation of a wonderful new era where cooperation, harmony, peace and prosperity for all will flourish!