Sex is a concept that completely dominates the collective psyche. Some would argue that this is completely natural, that it’s simply an everyday aspect of life in which most living creatures partake. And it’s true; our bodies were made to procreate. However, sex has moved a long way from the simple objective of procreation, and our desire for it has been taken advantage of in many ways.

We’ve lost the purpose of sex, the connections we can build through it, and our ability to seek knowledge and understanding from it. In return, we get quick pleasures, and that’s what we’ve come to think sex is for: orgasm. Whether this is right or wrong is up to you, but it’s important to understand that sex can serve a higher purpose.

Having sex to achieve an orgasm and maximise pleasure can, in some ways, be no different from doing drugs, binge eating, or otherwise being engulfed by our senses, pursuits that take us away from the voice of our soul, as many ancients believed. This is why so many cultures practised the resisting of sensorial pleasures, in order to become closer with ‘God.’

This includes fasting, abstinence, meditation, and more.

Over time, our attitudes toward sex have definitely changed and been impacted by various influences. One big one is pornography, most evident by the fact that pornography websites now receive billions of hits per year and are ranked among the most popular in the world. Another could be the media, which uses sex to sell products and ideas to us at every turn and exposes sex to us at younger and younger ages.

How do you think pornography has shaped our perception of sex? How to have sex? And what sex is for?

From a young age, we see sex everywhere, but it wasn’t always this way.

Science has already shown us that matter is not the only reality, and that there is an entire world out there, and right next to us, that cannot be perceived by our senses.

Physicists have actually measured this ‘invisible’ world, and science has shown us that thoughts, feelings, emotions, energy transfer, and more all play a crucial role in understanding the makeup of our physical material world.

These concepts have tremendous implications in all fields of science, including health.

Today, the mind-body connection and other healing methods like Reiki, are gradually gaining more credibility from the scientific world, and that’s because countless reputable and peer-reviewed studies have proven their value.

What’s perhaps most fascinating about these concepts is that modern day science seems to be catching up to ancient wisdom. The ancients have been correct in so many different ways, and we should not limit their validity to quantum physics and neuroscience, where most of the parallels are seen. What about their concepts of sex? Can we learn anything from that?

We recently came across an interview between Norm Macdonald and Jim Carrey, talking about a number of issues, including sex. In the interview, Carrey describes what he calls “alchemical sex.”

Steve Taylor, Ph.D, a scholar in the field, describes the concept as follows:

In the Hindu Yoga and Tantric traditions, Kundalini is seen as a ‘coiled energy’ at the base of the spine. Its release (which can be sudden or gradual) can result in a sudden spiritual awakening, sometimes with disruptive psychological and physical effects. In this article, cases of “kundalini-like” experiences from my research are discussed, highlighting ways in which they seem to differ from kundalini as normally conceived. Here the experiences are interpreted in terms of an ‘energetic’ theory of spiritual awakening. It is suggested that kundalini-like experiences are related to a sudden release of energy normally expressed as sexual energy, or libido. In other cases, spiritual awakening may be related to a dissolution of the normal self-system or ego.

The concept of kundalini arousal may have been developed as a way of describing the transformational experience of a sudden release of concentrated sexual energy, using keywords such as Kundalini, spiritual awakening, ego-dissolution, awakening experiences, sexual energy. In the chakra system of the Yoga and Tantra traditions, kundalini – derived from the Sanskrit word kunda meaning to coil or spiral – lies dormant in the first and lowest of the seven chakras, the muladhara. According to these traditions, once kundalini is aroused, it travels up through the sushumna energy-channel, located roughly in parallel with the spine (hence the slightly inaccurate but common belief that kundalini travels up the spine itself). It travels all the way up to the seventh chakra, the sahasrara, in the crown of the head. Here it manifests itself as spiritual awakening. If the energy can be permanently settled or established at the seventh chakra, the individual will be in a permanent state of nirvikalpa samadhi, in union with Brahman, becoming a Brahma-vidya, with knowledge of the Creator Brahman.

As you can see, sex, and the energy that’s generated by having sex, can be used to strengthen our connection with ‘God,’ or Source, or whatever you prefer to call it.