This article will assist those who are searching to create stability in their life and offer additional support to those who have already started on that path. Learning to understand our choices instead of repeating automatic behaviour is a huge personal victory which opens space inside us for more self-acceptance. Through this process, we can learn to care for our body and at the same time make healthy choices which build up our confidence.
Breathing is one of the tools you currently possess in your toolbox to assist you in your quest for overall health clarity and inner peace.
Breathing is both a conscious and unconscious action. For most of us, breathing has become an automatic response. We inhale and exhale moment-by-moment, day-after-day, not even giving it a second thought. It’s as if we have given the job to an outside source. Shortly after we start breathing, the way in which we breathe becomes less important.
We have lost sight of the importance of breathing.
Shallow breathing causes the body to remain in a long-term state of stress called fight or flight mode which is counterintuitive to being in balance.
Shallow breathing tells the brain to be overactive, creating high beta brain waves. When the human body stays in these high beta brain wave states for long periods of time our bodies remain stressed.
How we feel has a direct link to how we breathe.
Any chronic patterns of pain are enhanced with shallow breathing. Long-term stress is also directly related to the health of our immune system, and its ability or inability to function at optimum levels.
Breathing is fundamental.
Find a time you won’t be disturbed or hurried.
When you start breathing exercises, the depth of breath is not important. What we are after is to slowly and deliberately increase the lung capacity.
When doing these exercises, relax and connect with your body. Before beginning, take time to unplug and disconnect from the world – it will still be right there when you’re finished.
Once you have chosen the exercise for you, do it daily for 7 minutes and for 7 days. After that, you can choose whether you want to continue.
Exercise #1
This exercise assists in strengthening the lungs and adding more balance to your overall state of mind. Do this in a seated position.
Breathe deeply, inhale and exhale for the same amount. Continue this breathing until you start to feel things slowing down.
Allow yourself to focus on the physical aspect of bringing oxygen into your lungs. Notice as the breath moves into the lower part of the lungs. Feel the lungs expand as they open. Then exhale fully.
Repeat this process for 7 minutes, then relax and breathe normally. When you’re finished, sit quietly and see how you feel.
Exercise #2
This exercise assists in strengthening the immune system and clearing stagnant energy out of the lower back. Do this in a seated position with the feet firmly on the floor.
Place your hands on your knees and then inhale deeply. When your lungs are full, bend forward, and as you bend forward exhale.
Allow the body to open and stretch, then slowly use your hands to raise your body back to the starting position and begin again.
Repeat this 7 times. Then relax and breathe normally, paying attention to how you feel when you are finished.
Exercise #3
This exercise assists in expanding the lungs and in quietening the mind so that you can hear your inner voice.
Place the body in either a seated or lying position, whichever is most comfortable.
Begin equalized breathing: Inhale and exhale for the same amount of time, only this time after a few breaths, start increasing the time with each breath. For example, 2 seconds in, 2 seconds out then 3 seconds in, and 3 out. Continue this, expanding the count upward. 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5, 6-6, 7-7.
Stay at the 7-7 rate for 7 minutes, then relax and breathe normally, paying attention to how you feel when you are finished.
This article is an edited version of the full article. To read the full article, please go to the below website.