Learning what you need is the first step toward improving communication in your relationships.
If you’re not feeling heard in your relationship, here’s what not to do: Talk louder.
Rather, relationship experts say, figure out what you even mean by not feeling heard to begin with. “Maybe someone’s not being clear, or maybe someone’s relating something in a way the other can’t hear or understand,” says Rebecca Coopersmith, LCSW, a staff therapist at the Family Institute at Northwestern University in Chicago.
“So when you talk about not being heard in a relationship, it could mean just about anything.”
But whatever it means to you, addressing it (tactfully) is important.
In her National Institutes of Health–funded research following the same 373 couples for more than three decades, Terri Orbuch, PhD, has found that the degree to which people feel seen by their partners – what she calls affirmations – predicts how happy and stable the relationship is in the long run.
“We all need to be seen, heard, valued, and cared for by our partner,” Dr. Orbuch, a research professor at the University of Michigan and author of 5 Simple Steps to Take Your Marriage From Good to Great, says. “We don’t want to be taken for granted.”
Here are seven ways to shift the dynamic of any relationship so you feel heard – and you hear your loved one, too.
1. Engage Before You Talk
Let’s start with the basics. Perhaps it seems like your partner (or friend or Mom) isn’t listening because they’re, well, busy.
”In this day and age, it’s very difficult to find somebody just counting their fingers when you walk into the room and just waiting to talk with you,” Sara Nasserzadeh, PhD, a social psychologist in Los Angeles who specialises in sexuality, relationships, and intercultural fluency, says.
That’s why she often gives couples a squishy heart toy to literally throw toward one another before bringing something up. If the partner is alert enough for a chat, they catch it. “If they are not, and it hits the wall or the floor or their shoulder, it’s not a good time,” Dr. Nasserzadeh says.
In lieu of a toy, you can simply say something like, “Hey, do you have a minute?” and make sure you have eye contact before proceeding. Just stick to your minute timeframe, and save longer heart-to-hearts for when you’re both prepared, Nasserzadeh says.
2. Find a Better Time
If now isn’t the time for a conversation, make a concrete plan that suits you both. For example, ask if you can catch up over a walk after work.
“Sometimes this is really a simple fix,” Coopersmith says. “Maybe one person’s an early bird and their partner wants to have conversations in the evening.” Give consideration to this.
3. Ask Yourself: What Will Make Me Feel Heard?
In Orbuch’s research, she’s found people prefer to be affirmed in one of two ways: by words or actions. “Some of us are seen or heard by the words that our partner says to us, like, ‘I love you more now than when we first met,’ or ‘I’m here if you ever need me,’” she says.
“Other people are affirmed through actions,” Orbuch continues. “So they make us dinner, they give us a hug if we’re having a bad day, they turn on the coffee pot in the morning.”
Identifying what’s most meaningful to you can get you one step closer to feeling heard.
4. Use ‘XYZ’ Statements
People are more likely to absorb what you’re saying if you use “XYZ” statements such as; “When you do X in Y situation, I feel Z” – that ideally focus on the positive, Orbuch says. For example: “When you kiss me before we go to bed every night, I feel seen.”
Statements that blame, on the other hand, are a recipe for shutting recipients’ ears down. “A lot of couples pursue with criticism rather than request,” Coopersmith says.
5. Enlist the Help of a Tool
There are plenty of therapist-designed tools and even games aimed at improving couples’ communication, connection, and intimacy.
Emily Anhalt, PhD, a clinical psychologist in the San Francisco Bay area, recommends Where Should We Begin?, a storytelling game from relationship therapist Esther Perel, who also offers an online relationship course called Turning Conflict Into Connection.
Coopersmith likes the Gottman Institute’s 30 Days to a Better Relationship program. Couples get daily email prompts and activities designed by relationship therapists to improve listening, create rituals, and encourage compassion.
“These are really practical exercises that couples can do together to work on hearing each other, and it’s very structured, which is something that I like about it,” Coopersmith says.
6. Work With a Therapist
Couples or even individual therapy can also be a worthwhile tool to help break unhealthy patterns in relationships, like talking past each other. Coopersmith is a fan of emotionally focused therapy, which can help partners move from sharing criticisms to sharing emotions, “which can really help them connect and hear each other better,” she says.
For example, rather than saying, “What are you thinking? You left the dishes out again!” you might communicate how overwhelmed stacked dishes make you feel.
7. Be the Change
While not feeling heard seems like a “them problem,” it’s likely also a “you problem.”
“Couples get into these cycles that if one partner doesn’t feel heard, they’re not going to hear their partner either,” Coopersmith says. “This can really snowball.”
Practically, Coopersmith recommends checking in with your partner after they’ve shared something. Say for example, “This is my understanding of …. Is that correct?”
“Couples can also get into positive cycles where if someone’s feeling really heard and understood, it increases the capacity to hear and understand,” she says.
Orbuch has witnessed the same trend. She encourages people to give a loved one an affirmation daily. “When your partner feels seen and heard, they will give it in return,” she says.
SOURCE: Everyday Health